Youth and Children's Work
The Sunday morning 3-16s groups at St Mark’s are all about letting the children hear about Jesus and get to know him in ways that are appropriate for them as individuals. We use varied and up to date material, to connect with children where they are at. As we welcome God into our games, crafts and conversation, as we try to understand the Bible better and as we worship with shouts, actions and high fives, God is at work in the lives of the children and, through them, our whole church family. It is the prayer of all of the group leaders that these children will not only grow to become disciples of Jesus in the future, but that they can know him at work in their lives now and shout his praises.

St Mark’s Church of England Primary School is our link primary school.
It was rated as GOOD in the recent Ofsted inspection, and is located next to the Oval Cricket Ground.
The Headteacher of St. Mark’s is Mr. Sola Ingram. The school can be contacted at:
St Mark’s C of E Primary School
Harleyford Road
SE11 5SL
Tel: 020 7735 1467

Home Groups have been a strong part of St Mark’s recent history – small groups of people coming together to meet up and chat, to pray together, to read the Bible and discuss God’s message of grace and love.
Our Home Groups bring different people together to get to know one another and to support each other through the good and the bad times.
As a church family, we pray for God’s Spirit to be wrapped round everything we do in St Mark’s, so that this church in Kennington is a home for the broken hearted, those that seek God’s guidance, those who mourn, and those who want to serve the Lord Jesus.
If anyone would like to join a Home Group, see Steve Coulson at church on a Sunday, or contact the office
We are a church that seeks to be rooted in prayer in everything we do, and we have times of prayer in both services as well as occasional prayer ministry afterwards. We are blessed to have a few within the church who are real ‘prayer champions’, very committed to lifting the church and world before God at services, privately and at prayer meetings.
Anyone wishing to join the vicar for a time of prayer Tuesday-Friday morning 7am – 7.30am in church would be most welcome.

Music is really important to us at St Mark's and we are keen to host concerts and recitals. In February we hosted Classical Vauxhalls' series of concerts 'Classical done differently.'
We also had our very own lunchtime recital series in Autumn.
If you’re interested in giving a recital at St Mark's please contact